Sunday, April 29, 2007

Not Urgent

Hi Friend,

How’s your weekend going? When I woke up yesterday morning, life just felt different. There were lots of things to be done. I had overslept and needed to be out the door soon, but I didn’t feel a sense of urgency about anything. The calm atmosphere in my home was almost startling. This has been an emotional week for my family. We all fell into the trap of urgency at the same time. Heidi’s heart pleaded for opportunities to change the world NOW. Lincoln rushed home from school to play his new Pokemon video game. My need to write and to find the voice of my blog felt imperative. My emails begged for quick replies. It was as if I was afraid that my thoughts would disappear forever if not instantly communicated. There wasn’t anything wrong with any of our desires, but at times we let the desires consume us. I found myself writing when I should have been making dinner, scribbling notes on a piece of paper during a concert rather than listening, making careless mistakes at work. Looking back, I see several times when spiritual intuition had suggested that I approach or do things differently, but distracted by my untempered zeal I didn't listen, and regrettably I ended up at times being less than kind and compassionate to my family and friends.

I think maybe we were caught up in society’s demand for instant gratification—text and instant messaging, cell phones, faxes, fast food. Sometimes things do need immediate attention, but I realized nothing needs to feel urgent. Last week was a wake up call to remember to trust God to take care of every detail--to put everyone and everything in the right place at the right time. I need to be patient, to savor ideas and let them evolve.

I can’t say our weekend has been without its hairy moments, but I’ve kept remembering and finding my way back to that Saturday morning peace. Today, Heidi and Michael are off protesting the treatment of circus animals with some new friends. Lincoln beat his Pokemon diamond game, and I unexpectedly found another blog.

Enjoy the rest of your Sabbath.

Much love,

Postscripts: I like Paul’s advice in Hebrews (12:1), “…let us run with patience the race that is set before us...,” and from James (1:4), “…let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” I don't think "urgent" was in Jesus' vocabulary. When he heard that Jairus’ daughter and Lazarus were seriously ill, he didn’t rush to their sick beds. By the time Jesus arrived, they had died; but it wasn't too late to raise them from the dead, proving not only the healing power of the Christ but also the immortality of life.

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