Friday, July 13, 2007

"The Law of Kindness"

Dear Jeff,

Just over a week ago, I was busy putting the finishing touches on packing the family for our various camping experiences. Mike and Lincoln were preparing to head south to one camp and Heidi and I west to another. Suitcases, duffle bags, and backpacks lined the living room waiting to be put into cars, but mentally I was far from ready to go. I was so tired physically and emotionally that the drive to camp seemed as daunting as the thought of peaking one of the 14,000 foot mountains surrounding camp. I knew Heidi would be a good traveling companion, but she couldn’t help with the actual driving; and she was so excited about camp I could tell it would be hard to keep pace with her happy chatter. I realized that I had to humbly put the trip in God’s hands and asked a friend to help me pray about the drive.

I should know by now that when I let go of fear and completely trust God, amazing things happen. However, you took me completely by surprise when you told me you’d bought a one-way plane ticket back from camp so that you could drive out with me. True you’d get to see your wife—the love of your life who just also happened to be at camp, but only for one short night. The main reason you were making the trip was out of a deep love for my family, a brotherly “being there for you.” What a weight you lifted off my shoulders! When I went to bed that night I was exhausted, yet filled with hope. I’m not an early riser. For me getting out of bed before 7 am is early, but I awoke at 4:40 the next morning without the alarm clock, awake and ready to go. As we drove, the miles and hours flew by. I loved having someone to share the driving with, having you join me in appreciating Heidi’s exuberance, talking about life and listening to all the CDs you brought along—wonderful artists I’d never heard before.

Not a day has passed when I haven’t thought of your kindness. It has been a beacon of Love helping me settle in and find my niche at camp, helping melt away the concerns that seemed so burdensome before our trip, and giving me such tangible proof of God's care to draw upon.

Yet for days I’ve sensed that there was more to this story—a bigger lesson for me to learn. I was so struck by your kindness. My family has individually and collectively received very unselfish and generous gifts before, so I’ve wondered why this gift has left me somewhat speechless, why it has taken me so many attempts to write this letter. Last night I thought of Mary anointing Jesus’ feet with expensive ointment. Judas suggested that Mary should have sold the ointment instead and given the money to the poor. Jesus replied, “Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this. For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always had." (John 12) Suddenly I glimpsed how much Mary’s expression of love must have meant to Jesus, helping strengthen him for the crucifixion. Even Jesus needed human expressions of kindness!

A hymn in the Christian Science hymnal (#178) says, “Jesus knew the law of kindness, healing mind and heart of blindness….” I probably could have “demonstrated” the drive out alone. There have been many times in my life when moment by moment reliance on God has pulled me through fatigue and other difficulties, but one more proof of this type wasn’t my true need. I needed to feel the effects of God’s law of kindness. My heart was unknowingly so hungry for it. I’ve had the opportunity to give significant gifts and enjoyed the satisfaction that comes from helping meet someone’s need, but now I understand in a much deeper way what it feels like to be the receiver---the warmth in the heart, the awe at the power of Love. There was something so pure, so intuitive, so timely about your gift. I too want to practice the law of kindness that heals, to give gifts both practical and prayerful that are so imbued with love that their healing balm sends ripples into the universe.

By the way, yesterday Heidi and 17 fellow campers peaked Mount Columbia—one of Colorado’s amazing 14,000 foot peaks. Although usually not very athletic, she knew she’d be able to do it with the help of her friends, with the oil of kindness.

Mike and I both are so grateful for your friendship. Thank you for being an exemplary Mary.

With love,


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